Remember "It's Your Yoga"

Relax, Enjoy & Namaste

Aurorae Yoga

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas - Yoga Pose 9 & 10

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 9 Yoga Pose: Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Pose is the most basic pose of all positions, but is also the most important. It is from this pose that you your many other positions will begin. You must make sure that your alignment is correct so that when you move to your next position you begin in alignment. Stand up straight with your legs together. Do not lock your knees and let your arms hang loosely by your sides. Lift up your toes to that they are flexed out and fanned towards the ceiling. Now let them drop down so you have a wid base beneath you. Distribute your weight evenly. Shift your weight until you can feel it distributed around you and not just in your toes and feet. Flex your quad muscles so your knees rise. Contract your abdominal muscles so it flexes towards your spine. Elongate your neck while keeping your shoulders wide and pull your chin in and head up so the crown of your head rises toward the ceiling.

What are the benefits of the Mountain Pose?

  • It improves height and makes your spine more flexible.
  • It strengthens your thighs, knees and ankles.
  • It firms your abdonimal muscles and buttocks while relieving sciatica and reduces flat feet.
  • It improves posture.

Day 10 Yoga Pose: Half Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana)

Sit on the ground with your head and spine erect and keep your shoulders up high. Extend your legs forward so that your knees and heels are touching. Bend your right leg at the knee and move the bent knee towards your chest. Keep your calf touching the thigh and place the bent knee towards the floor. Hold your right foot's heel with your right hand and hold the toe with the left hand bringing the right foot over the left thigh with its sole facing upward. Keep the other leg straight. Now, bend your left leg and place it under your right leg so that your left sol is under the right thigh. Touch the thumb of each hand to the index finger at the tips to form a circle. Remain in this final posture with your eyes closed for about 1-2 minutes or your breakpoint. Repeat the above steps by switching legs one on top of the other.

What are the benefits of the Half Lotus Pose?
  • It relaxes the entire nervous system
  • It lessens the tension and stiffness in your ankles, kneeds and thighs
  • It provides a comfortable sitting position for resting the mind
For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Friday, December 17, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas - Day 8

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season. 

Day 8 Yoga Pose: Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

From Mountain pose, shift your weight onto your left leg and bring your right heel up to the left inner thigh, or somewhere above your knee, with the bottom of your foot against your inner thight. Your body will look like a number four. Make sure that your toes are pointing to the floor. Place your palms together in Namaste (prayer position) and lift up through the core of your body. Let your bent leg feel like a heavy branch as your release your hip. Breathe deeply and hold for several breaths. You can bring your hands up if you are balanced and reach up towards the sky and looking up at your hands. Switch to the other side.

What are the benefits of the Tree Pose?

  • It increases balance, focus, memory and concentration
  • It strengthens your ankles and knees
  • It exercises your chest, groin, thighs and shoulders
  • It is great for helping sciatica and flat feet
  • It builds up muscles in your calves, spine and thighs
For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas - Day 7

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 7 Yoga Pose: Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)

From the Mountain pose, step the right foot about a foots length forward and shift all of your weight onto this leg. Inhale and lift your arms over your head and interlace the fingers, pointing the index finger up. As you exhale, lift your left leg up and out, hinging at the hips to lower the arms and torso down towards the floor. Look down at the floor and stare at a point for balance. Reach out through the left toes and the crown and fingers making one straight line. Inhale and hold for 2-6 breaths. To release, make sure to inhale the arms up to lower the leg back to the floor and step both feet together back into the mountain. Now repeat on the other side. The below image is two people doing the Warrior III pose together.

What are the benefits of the Warrior III pose?
  • It stretches the entire length of the spine
  • It exercises your pancreas, liver, spleen and nervous systems
  • It reduces symptoms of asthma
  • It perfects control and balance
  • It strengthens the heart muscle
  • It strengthens and firms your arms, hips, abdominal muscles, buttocks and upper thighs
  • It corrects poor posture
For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas - Day 6

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 6 Yoga Pose: Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

From your Warrior I pose, open your arms out and bring the right arm in front of you and the left arm behind. Now open your left hip back and keep your right knee bent and your right thigh parallel to the floor. From here, draw your belly in slightly and make sure that your shoulders are directly over the hips. Now reach out through both finger tips as high as you can and gaze forward over your right hand. Now engage the triceps to support your arms and your quads to support your legs. Repeat on the left side.

What are the benefits of the Warrior II pose? 
  • It strengthens your legs and arms
  • It opens up your chest and shoulders
  • It tones your abdominal muscles
  • It increases your stamina
  • It creates improved strength in your legs and ankles
  • It is therapeutic for flat feet, sciatica, backaches and osteoperosis
For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas - Day 5

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 5 Yoga Pose: Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

From your Downward Facing Dog position, bring the right foot forward next to your right hand. Now, pivot the ball on your left foot and drop your left heel on to the floor with your toes turned out about 45 degrees. Next, bend your right knee diretly over the right ankle so your thigh is parallel to the floor. From here you will draw your right hip back and left hip forward, so your ips are squared towards the front. Bring your arms up and out to the side. Palms should touch and gaze up towards the thumbs, coming into a very slight backbend. Slide your should blades down the back and press. Repeat on the left hand side.

What are the benefits of the Warrior I pose
  • It strengthens your legs
  • It strengthens your arms, shoulders, thighs, ankles, and muscles of your back
  • It stretches your hip flexors, abdomen and ankles
  • It helps you develop stamina and endurance in your thighs and core muscles
  • It stimulates your abdominal organs and digestion
  • It improves your balance, concentration and core awareness

For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Monday, December 13, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas - Day 4

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 4 Yoga Pose: Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Then, move your hands about one hand length forward. The goal is to have a 90 degree angle when you are up in the pose. Make sure your fingers are spread wide and press firmly into the ground. Tilt your tailbone and sitbone toward the ceiling. Press your lower abdominal muscles up and back. Push your hips strongly up and back, bringing your body into an upside-down "V" at a 90 degree angle. Slightly bend your knees at first if you cannot straighten. Use your arms as little as possible. Push up and back with your abdominal muscles and lower back. Use the heels of your hands to press into the ground. Remain in pose for one minute and the build to two or more.

What are the benefits of the downward facing dog pose?

  • It strengthens muscles in your arms, shoulders, sides, chest and upper back.
  • It strengthens muscles in your ankles, calves, thighs and lower back.
  • It improves digestion.
  • It alleviates symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort.
  • It can alleviate anxiety, mild depression and stress.
  • It can make you feel more energized when you are tired.

For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Poses of Christmas - Day 3

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 3 Yoga Pose: Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Press through the heels and rock slighty onto your left buttock while pulling your right sitting bone away from the hell with your right hand. Repeat with the other side. Turn the top thighs in slightly and press them down into the floor. Press through your hand palms or finger tips, whichever you can get, on the floor beside your hips and lift the top of your chest toward the ceiling. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. If you are unable to do this, loop a strap around the soles of your feet (as shown below), and hold the strap firmly. Keep your elbows straight. With every breath, lift and lengthen the front of your chest slightly and with every exhale, release a little more into the forward bend. Stay in pose for 1-3 minutes.

What are the benefits of the seated forward bend?

  • It stretches your spine, back, hamstrings and groin
  • It massages and stimulates your liver and kidneys
  • It improves digestion and helps with gastric ailments
  • It calms your mind and central nervous system
  • It relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort
  • It helps relieve menopause symptoms
  • It is therapeutic for depression, insomnia or high blood pressure

For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses for Christmas

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

Day 2 Yoga Pose: Intense Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana)

Start off by standing in the Tadasana posture (mountain pose...standing straight). Now, start inhaling and raise your arms, taking them over your head. As you exhale, start bending your hips. Bring your arms forward and then take them down, along with the torso, so they are touching the floor. Take your hands behind your legs and join them together. Remain in the position for 7-8 breaths. Now, bring your hands in the front and start twisting your torso upwards, pulling yourself. Keep your head hanging down until you are completely straight. Repeat the steps 4-5 times.

What are the benefits of the Intense Forward Bend Pose?

  • Relieves mental and physical exhaustion
  • Slows down the heartbeat
  • Tones the liver, spleen, and kidneys
  • Relieves stomachache
  • Reduces abdominal and back pain during menstruation
For product descriptions on the Aurorae yoga accessories such as the yoga block and yoga strap, you can visit our website. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste

Friday, December 10, 2010

Aurorae's 12 Yoga Poses of Christmas

Aurorae is proud to announce our "12 Yoga Poses of Christmas" in light of the holiday season.

We hope you find these poses useful in your daily lives. Aurorae offers the best yoga mats and yoga accessories for this holiday season. If you ever have any questions about our products, these poses, or anything else related to yoga and yoga products, we are happy to be of service to you. We love our Aurorae family of customers, reviewers, bloggers, friends, and anyone else who has supported Aurorae through the year.

Day 1 Yoga Pose: Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Step the legs apart. Turn one leg 90 degrees. Place the lower hand on the mat, if possible, and extend the other up. The left one is shown opposite. Then slowly enter the yoga posture by placing the hand down on the leg or on the mat (The hand can be placed on the inside or outside of the feet. You can also grab the big toe). Vertically align the arms with the shoulders. Stretch downwards and upwards with that arms.

What are the benefits of the triangle pose?

  • It stretches the legs, and muscles around the knee, ankle joints, hips, groin muscles, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine
  • It strengthens your legs, knees, ankles, abdominals, obliques and back
  • It stimulates the function of your abdominal organs
  • It relieves stress
  • It improves digestion and constipation
  • It helps to alleviate back pain and symptoms of menopause
  • It is used therapeutically for anxiety, infertility, neck pain
If you ever have any questions, please reach out to Aurorae

Remember, "It's Your Yoga."
Relax, Enjoy and Namaste